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For added security and reliability, we include a verified and certified blue label for our ads. Each advert is verified either by telephone or by sending a copy of the vehicle registration document or proof of purchase, which will not be divulged. Once validated, the Certification label will be displayed on your ad, ensuring the reliability of the information provided for a safe and confidential user experience.
La Bonne Roue is the only platform offering all types of vehicles in Switzerland. A vast choice of cars, motorbikes, vans, scooters, bicycles and scooters. All Swiss mobility under one platform to find your vehicle.
All ads on LA Bonne Roue are certified by a Swiss telephone number, ensuring a high level of security and trust.
For the first time in Switzerland, you can include videos of your vehicle directly in your ad. This gives buyers a better idea of the vehicle before they buy.
You activate the geolocation function on your mobile phone and find vehicles according to the distance you require.
Publish your ads free of charge and reach a large and varied audience.
You choose how you want to be contacted: by phone, via WhatsApp or simply via the new internal messaging system integrated into the site.
We're delighted to help you sell your vehicle. To ensure the best possible experience for all our users, please observe the following rules when placing your ad.
Photos : You can add up to 12 photos. Make sure the photos are :
Videos : You can add up to 2 videos. Videos must :
By respecting these rules, you will help to maintain a safe and pleasant environment for all our users. Have a good sale on La Bonne Roue!
Free Swiss car ads between private individuals with videos and geolocation.
La Bonne Roue - Classified ads site offering all types of vehicles in Switzerland. A vast choice of cars, motorbikes, vans, scooters, bicycles and scooters. All Swiss mobility under one platform to find the best deal.